Reducing the Backlog
Digitising care pathways to help improve efficiency

The Challenge
- Increased numbers waiting for elective surgery
- Insufficient NHS capacity to manage lists
- Serious cases going untreated
- Patient anxiety and frustration
The result is growing lists and longer waiting times
The Solution
Digitise the care pathway
- Reduce the number of people coming into a pathway
- Reduce the number of appointments
- Educate, inform and track remotely
- Discharge more quickly
- Reduce post operative appointments

The role of CONNECTPlus
- Waiting well with focused patient information
- Targeted interventions using remote patient monitoring
- Pre and post procedure education
- Online prehab and rehab - Virtual Wards enabling discharge
Conditions live: Colonoscopy, Glaucoma, Cataract, AMD, Knee & Hip Osteoarthritis procedures
CONNECTPlus Impact
- Reduction in follow up appointments
- Patients are better prepared and supported
- More information for pre-operative assessment
- Beds freed up quicker
- Enhanced recovery and reduced re-admission
- Waiting lists shortened
Also see .....

Admission Avoidance
Targeted quality information and remote monitoring to prevent admission

Patient Initiated Follow Up
Giving patients the tools to manage their care and follow up appointments

Waiting Well
Provision of quality information and health trackers to empower patients whilst waiting